You can take the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.
- You can take the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.
<01> Вы можете подвести лошадь к воде, но не сможете заставить ее пить (Силою не все возьмешь). Proverb (Пословица).
Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом.
Смотреть что такое "You can take the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink." в других словарях:
you can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink — The word the is frequently omitted from the proverb and lead substituted for take. c 1175 Old English Homilies (EETS) 1st ser. 9 Hwa is thet mei thet hors wettrien the him self nule drinken [who can give water to the horse that will not drink of… … Proverbs new dictionary
Characters in the Deltora Quest series — The Deltora series features a wide line of characters, both important and minor. The series also features many different monsters and creatures that appeared in all of the many different books. This article is a list of the many different… … Wikipedia
horse — see you can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink don’t change horses in mid stream England is the paradise of women, the hell of horses, and the purgatory of servants never look a gift horse in the mouth a good horse cannot be… … Proverbs new dictionary
water — see don’t go near the water until you learn how to swim blood is thicker than water dirty water will quench fire you can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink no matter how long a log stays in the water, it doesn’t become a… … Proverbs new dictionary
Pferd — (s. ⇨ Ross). 1. A blind Ferd trefft gleich (gerade) in Grüb herein. (Jüd. deutsch. Warschau.) 2. Alte Pferde achten der Peitsche nicht. Lat.: Psittacus senex ferulam negligit. (Gaal, 926.) 3. Alte Pferde gehen nicht durch. Holl.: Het hollen is… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
List of cultural references in The Divine Comedy — The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is a long allegorical poem in three parts or canticas (or cantiche ), Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise), and 100 cantos, with the Inferno having 34, Purgatorio 33, and Paradiso 33 … Wikipedia
Characters of The Order of the Stick — This is a list of characters from the webcomic The Order of the Stick (OOTS). It is a comedic webcomic that celebrates and satirizes tabletop role playing games and medieval fantasy through the ongoing tale of the eponymous fellowship of… … Wikipedia
List of minor The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy characters — The following is an alphabetical list of the minor characters in the various versions of The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams. The descriptions of the characters are accompanied by information on details about appearances and… … Wikipedia
List of minor characters from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy — The following is a list of minor characters in the various versions of The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy , by Douglas Adams.AgrajagAgrajag is a constantly reincarnated entity who ends up being killed multiple times by Arthur Dent. First… … Wikipedia
History of the Caribbean — The history of the Caribbean reveals the significant role the region played in the colonial struggles of the European powers since the fifteenth century. In the twentieth century the Caribbean was again important during World War II, in the… … Wikipedia
List of The Tribe characters — Main cast and characters from Series 5. This article contains detailed descriptions of characters of the teen sci fi TV show The Tribe. Like many other soaps the series had a large number of characters that increased as the series progressed.… … Wikipedia